Chivalry: It's the little boy
that kisses my hand, the young man who holds the door open for me, and the old
man who tips his hat to me. None of it is a reflection of me, but a reflection
of them.
Lynn Hope
Every couple of months, we will get
some kind of post calling out the sexism that is intrinsically attached to
Chivalry, sometimes based on the latest study on gender
issues, or simply a re-post of a previous one. We have a clear exposition as
to the dangers and horrors of social inequality that have been reinforced for
centuries by an outdated code of conduct that does little more than reinforce
the repression of both men and women as the only reason any man would be
chivalrous is to take advantage of his position within society.
The problem with that statement is
that it’s pretty damn sexist on its own.

As a man and a gentleman, I am
offended by both assumptions.
Ignoring the fact that those who
call out chivalry as sexist do so from an ill-conceived preconception, I think
it might be a good idea to actually ask if Chivalry is in fact sexist. For
starters, as chivalry is a code of conduct and an ideal, it can’t be sexist. Now,
can a chivalrous gentleman be sexist? Yes. You see, sexism isn’t dependent on
chivalry, but on the person. Just as much as a woman can. Anyone can be sexist
and sexist people will often use ideals and stretches of logic to justify their
sexism, as do the racist and the bigot.
But what about all those extra attentions
gentlemen offer ladies? Am I going to dismiss that reality? No. Then again,
keep in mind that a gentleman doesn’t offer “extra” attentions to ladies; it’s
that these attentions are more obvious to the observer. Treating people with
respect and honor isn’t as obvious as opening a door or offering a seat in a
bus. For this debate, I am going to focus on the logic behind a Gentleman’s actions
towards women.
There are innumerous reasons behind
said actions. Here I am going to break down some of different reasons gentlemen
do them. I will focus beyond the practicality
behind chivalry and the security
aspect, as I already talked extensively on both cases. If I feel that the
logic behind them is sexist, I will gladly admit to it. Do note that these are
not the only reasons behind chivalry, as I have constantly tried to illustrate,
there are as many paths to chivalry as there are chivalrous men.
The Sexist
This is the well-mannered, impeccably dressed, twin brother
of the chauvinist pig of a man. They do exist, and are pretty much my main
nemesis as they give the rest of us a bad name. He assumes that women are less
than men and will uses chivalry as a tool for superiority. These men aren’t
gentlemen. They simply act like one.
The Feminist
Women have to deal with a lot of inequality and injustices
from society and less scrupulous men. The gentleman views his actions as a way
to compensate for what women must endure. Their actions become a leveling
device, as they become an agent of equity.
Equalist Gentleman
We assume that Gentlemen treat women with special treatment.
This would be true, if it wasn’t that said special treatment is extended to
EVERYONE except other men of equal standing. Is it because we assume that men
of equal standing are better? No. It’s because we assume that men of equal
standing should be just as chivalrous as us. We hold them to the same standards
and expectations we hold ourselves, and that’s usually a lot higher than what
we expect from anyone else.
The Serviceable
A gentleman serves. It has always been this way. He serves
his community, his family, his country, and his ideals. That’s what a gentleman
does. So why should he stop serving someone simply because they are a woman? Do
note that there is a world of difference between service and servitude. He
stands strong by someone’s side, but never grovels by someone’s feet.
Shameful Gentleman
Similar to the Feminist Gentleman, the gentleman is actually
ashamed of the actions of other men. Their actions are in a way penance for
their gender as they try to prove that not all men are “like that.” Many times,
this is the result of having been exposed to the hurt that men can cause women.
The Respectful
Believe it or not, this one, by definition is actually
sexist. Gentlemen treat women from the starting point and notion that women
should be respected because they are women. “Treat her like a princess because
you were raised by a Queen.” This is usually the result of a man being raised
by proper women role models. These gentlemen tend to assume that all women will
measure up to the standards set by the women who helped shape them as men. Their
actions are guided as a sign of respect towards the women in question.
The Romanceer
This is another that falls on the “sexist by definition”
category. It isn’t that they view women as inferior, but rather they view women
as beautiful and tend to place them on a pedestal. Keep in mind that these men
don’t focus these actions to “pretty women” only, but rather look for the
beauty is ALL women.
The Simple
The simplest explanation for these acts is simply because
the man was raised with manners. There is no hidden agenda, no philosophical
logic, and no profound insight. The man was simply raise with manners, and
these manners align with chivalry, plain and simple. Why do we need to
overcomplicate everything in life?
As I mentioned at the beginning,
chivalry isn’t sexist and if a man is sexist, it isn’t because of chivalry. I
can almost hear the cries of “I am civil to everyone, irrelevant to their
gender.” The reality is that so is the Gentleman. Just because you choose to
ignore everything else a gentleman does simply to focus on what you can use to
support your click-bait article, doesn’t take away from what he does for those
around him.
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