I don’t care about whose DNA
has combined with whose. When everything goes to hell, the people who stand by
you without flinching, they are your family.
Every time I read a post or an
article expressing the solitude of being a man, the lone wolf ideology where man
stands alone…in loneliness… part of me simply wonders where the hell this guy’s
brothers are. I’m not talking about his biological brothers, or anything of the
sort. I am talking about his ‘brothers,’ his ‘crew,’ his best man, his wingman,
his ‘bro,’ his ‘brother from another mother,’ ‘compadre,’ and the list can go
You see, that’s one of the most
noble traits of men; one born out of respect, loyalty, trust, and (forgive me
for saying so) love. Its men who stand strong as individuals, yet stronger as they
become each other’s shield bearers. These are the friends you don’t need to ask
for help, because they are already there helping you before you ask. They are
the men who get offended when you tell them not to worry, the ones who will
take up look out duty while you do something stupid. These are the ones who
will smack you down when you deserve it while at the same time wouldn’t
hesitate to take a bullet for you. They aren’t the best option when you need
someone to bail you out of jail, as they are probably the guy sitting next to
you in the same cell.
Sure, women have that sisterhood
going for them, but honestly, as a man, I take it as a rule never to assume I
know about the social aspects of women’s lives.
Yet, we find plenty of men out there
without brothers. Why? It’s simple. Brotherhood is born out of trust. You trust
your brother, as so often your life will be in his hands. To achieve this, two
things must happen. First, you have to actually place your trust on someone,
risking the possibility of being betrayed. Secondly, and the hardest to achieve
in this self-serving society we live in, you have to give selflessly enough to
someone so they can trust you. We might complain that we don’t have brothers to
stand by our side, yet how many times have you stood by your brothers? How many
times have you risked yourself for another man’s safety?

Above all, we need a brother to be
there so we aren’t facing the horrors of the world alone.
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